Simply spraying swarmers or the surface of accessible infested wood kills the termites you see now, but it does not stop the infestation nor does it protect your house from further termite attacks. Currently, there are two different approaches to termite control. The first is the traditional barrier treatment. The second approach to termite control is the use of baiting systems. Which is more effective? Keep reading this helpful article.

Termites actually feed on almost anything that contains cellulose, the main component of wood, including wood paneling, paper products, cardboard boxes, art canvases, the covering of sheet rock, carpeting, etc. While foraging and feeding, they may tunnel through non-cellulosic materials, such as plastic and foam board The most common type of termite treatment involves a “trench and treat” where a liquid insecticide (termiticide) is applied to the soil surrounding critical areas of your house. The most critical area needing treatment is the foundation wall.

To discuss the first approach commonly followed which is the barrier treatment. With the barrier approach, the goal is to protect the house by surrounding the entire house and basement with a chemical barrier. This includes injecting an insecticide into the soil at least four feet deep around the basement and injecting it under the basement slab. A home built on a slab or crawlspace is treated much the same, except less insecticide is used.

Some folks believe if they use liquid or granular insecticides on the soil surface around the outside of the house, it will protect their house against termites. This may be somewhat helpful in controlling some insects, but not effective against termites.

For the baiting approach, the goal of the bait is to kill the colony and indirectly, protect the home. Right now, the baiting systems that have the best chance of killing the colony are those that contain an insect growth regulator. The worker termites take the bait back to the colony where it gets passed to other termites. The growth regulator does not kill the queen or adult workers, but kills immature termites by disrupting the molting process. When the adult worker termites die a natural death, there are no young termites to take their place. With no workers, the colony slowly starves to death.

It seems like this system might be simple enough for homeowners to use, but none of these IGR baits are available for homeowners to purchase. The supply is very tightly controlled by the manufacturers who only work with pest control professionals. There are some other types of baits being used by pest control professionals, but, at best, they only suppress the colony and should be only used in conjunction with a good barrier treatment.